Kapittel 93
Tradisjonell oversettelse: In the Name of God, the Most Gracious, The Most Merciful.
Min oversettelse: With Him who can be known through signs; He who rules the entire universe; He who provides during times of need, and He who continuously sustains all things.
Rotord: sin-min-waw ("name"): sign to recognize something.
Rotord: hamza-lam-ha أ ل ه: (God): ruler of everything that exists; protector, one in power.
Rotord: ra-ha-mim (rahman, rahmah): rain that produces sustenance; protection when needed.
Rotord: ra-ha-mim (rahim): constant sustenance in the background; evolutionary sustenance.
Interessant nok: rihm, rahm, ruhm: livmor som beskytter barnet; myk.
Tradisjonell: By the morning sunlight.
Min oversettelse: By the time after sunrise.
Rotord: dad-ha-waw; ض ح و: sunrise that light up everything. To be evident and clear; road became evident and clear.
Kommentar: Dette verset kan tolkes på et metaforisk nivå der "by the time after sunrise" kan referere til opplysning = tiden etter opplysning = en tid der man begynner å se og forstå ting, klart og tydelig.
Tradisjonell: and the night when it falls still!
Min oversettelse: And the night when it covers with even more darkness.
Rotord: lam-ya-lam; ل ي ل: night, darkness.
Rotord: sin-jim-waw; س ج و: night stopping, silent night, night to become darker, peaceful sea.
Kommentar: Mørke = ignorans = en blindvei.
Tradisjonell: Your Lord O Prophet has not abandoned you, nor has he become hateful of you.
Min oversettelse: He who Sustains and Guides your evolution has not forsaken you, nor has He left you unattended.
Kommentar: Legg merke til at verset er til alle mennesker. Ordet "profet" er ikke nevnt.
Rotord: ra-ba-ba; ر ب ب: nurture, develop, look after something, one who guides from beginning to end, one who improves. Reach a destination through evolution and change.
Rotord: waw-dal-ayn; و د ع: stop, left, give up, leave alone, goodbye, safe place.
Rotord: qaf-lam-ya; ق ل ي: leave someone, hate, fast, fry in pan (and forget), roast meat, annoyance.
Tradisjonell: And the next life is certainly far better for you than this one.
Min oversettelse: And surely the future after the process of evolution has taken place is better for you than the first state.
Kommentar: Evolusjon her kan bety av samfunn (revolusjon) og/eller av individ; selvutvikling.
Rotord: hamza-kha-ra; أ خ ر: future, last, last segment of a sequence, evolution, revolution.
Rotord: kha-ya-ra; خ ي ر: good, the better of two things, even better, honor, superior.
Rotord: hamza-waw-lam; أ و ل: first, beginning and end, last result.
Tradisjonell: And surely your Lord will give so much to you that you will be pleased.
Min oversettelse: Soon will He who Sustains and Guides your evolution give you the agreed upon long-term results of living by God's laws.
Rotord: ra-ba-ba; ر ب ب: Nurture, develop, look after something beginning to end.
Rotord: ayn-ta-waw; ع ط و: receive, deer that must lift its head to eat from trees, give.
Rotord: ra-dad-waw; ر ض و: mutual agreement, agree, approve, obedient, favoured.
Tradisjonell: Did He not find you as an orphan then sheltered you?
Min oversettelse: Did He not find you ending up feeling alone (in existence), and so He inspired to you a path which leads to peace and security?
Rotord: waw-jim-dal; و ج د: gain knowledge, acquire, to know.
Rotord: ya-ta-mim; ي ت م: feeling alone, become lonely, unique pearl, orphan, neglected, sad.
Rotord: hamza-waw-ya; أ و ي: to gather, pity and fear, place of destination, place without fear.
Tradisjonell: Did He not find you unguided then guided you?
Min oversettelse: And He found you searching for the right path in confusion, so He made evident to you the true path.
Rotord: waw-jim-dal; و ج د: gain knowledge, acquire, to know.
Rotord: dad-lam-lam; ض ل ل: wander, search, confused, two different things mixed.
Rotord: ha-dal-ya; ه د ي: light up, lead, forefront, evident, guide, see something from far away.
Tradisjonell: And did He not find you needy then satisfied your needs?
Min oversettelse: And He found you in deprivation, so He made you self-sufficient.
Rotord: waw-jim-dal; و ج د: gain knowledge, acquire, to know.
Rotord: ain-ya-lam; ع ي ل: starvation, needy, deprived.
Rotord: ghayn-nun-ya; غ ن ي: free of need, strong, independent, have enough.
Tradisjonell: So do not oppress the orphan,
Min oversettelse: (Reflecting on your own experience) You shall not oppress or treat harshly those who are feeling left out of society.
Rotord: ya-ta-mim; ي ت م: feeling alone, become lonely, unique pearl, orphan, neglected, sad.
Rotord: qaf-ha-ra; ق ه ر: oppress, high mountain, overwhelm, domination.
Tradisjonell: nor repulse the beggar.
Min oversettelse: And do not turn away those who ask for your help.
Rotord: sin-hamza-lam; س أ ل: needy, ask for somethnig, request something, necessity.
Rotord: nun-ha-ra; ن ه ر: open up, water flowing, day, talk harshly.
Tradisjonell: And proclaim the blessings of your Lord.
Min oversettelse: The Sustainer who Guides your evolution has comforted your heart by showing you the true path; thus, you shall share what you have learned with others (so that they too can discern between right and wrong).
Rotord: nun-ayn-mim; ن ع م: something comforting the heart, soft cloth, refreshing wind, good things in life, kindness, favour, superiority over nations, mental and physical benefits, cattle.
Rotord: ra-ba-ba; ر ب ب: nurture, develop, look after something beginning to end.
Rotord: ha-dal-tha; ح د ث: something new, never done before, bring into existence, young man, honest man, come into existence from oblivion, tales, historical records, propagation.
Min oversettelse av kapittel 94 & 103 kan leses her.