My translation of the Qur'an: Chapter 64

For readability, I will only present traditional translations where I think the differences in translations highlight important points.

Urfan Ul Hassan
March 2023

Chapter 64

With Him who can be known through signs; He who rules the entire universe; He who provides during times of need, and He who continuously sustains all things.


Traditional translation (S. I.): Whatever is in the heavens and whatever is on the earth is exalting Allah. To Him belongs dominion, and to Him belongs [all] praise, and He is over all things competent.

My translation: God has made all things in the heavens and on the earth to travel towards their destination. He is the Source for everything that travels, and all things on their journey witnesses God's greatness. All journeys and events are measured with God.

Kommentar: Ordet "travel" - reise, gir riktig bilde og dybde på budskapet. Alt som eksisterer er reisende, om det så er snakk om atomer, mennesker eller stjerner. Reisen gir riktig utfordringer til riktig tid (taqdeer). 

Comment: The word "travel" provides us with the correct picture and depth of the message here. All things that exist are traveling, whether it be atoms, humans or stars. The journey provides us with right challenges at the right time (taqdeer).

Root: S-B-H س ب ح: swim, pursuit, strive with great effort to achieve a goal, continuous effort.

Root: A-L-He أ ل ه: ruler of everything that exists; protector, one in power.

Root: S-M-W س م و: sky, heavens, something that overshadows, roof, name, sign.

Root: A-R-Z أ ر ض: earth, anything that is low, something below, humble.

Root: M-L-K م ل ك: power, authority, support on which something is established.

Root: H-M-D ح م د: appreciation of the creator of something beautiful.

Root: Q-L-L ك ل ل: little, shortage, very little, not to stay in one place.

Root: SH-Y-A ش ي أ: thing, matter, intend, will.

Root: Q-D-R ق د ر: estimate, measure.


Traditional: It is He who created you, and among you is the disbeliever, and among you is the believer. And Allah, of what you do, is Seeing.

My translation: He is the One who created you with the potential to grow, and among you is one who denies (this) truth, and among you is one who accepts (this) truth. And God has absolute insight into your hearts.

Root: KH-L-Q خ ل ق: measure, model after something, proportionate/balanced, ancient.

Root: K-F-R ك ف ر: to hide and cover.

Root: A-M-N أ م ن: opposite of dishonesty, safety, verify, fearless, solace, trust, accept.

Root: AIN-M-L ع م ل: act/deeds with intent.

Root: B-S-R ب ص ر: touch the heart, knowledge, one who sees, witness.



Traditional: He created the heavens and earth in truth and formed you and perfected your forms; and to Him is the [final] destination.

My translation: He created the heavens and the earth as a solid reality. He shaped your forms with the potential to become balanced within. (Then after this), your forms will be transformed and reach God - a final destination.

Root: KH-L-Q خ ل ق: measure, model after something, proportionate/balanced, ancient. 

Root: S-M-W س م و: sky, heavens, something that overshadows, roof, name, sign.

Root: A-R-Z أ ر ض: earth, anything that is low, something below, humble.

Root: H-Q-Q ح ق ق: proof, establishment, solid event, reality.

Root: S-W-R ص و ر: form, shape, trait, trumpet, attracted.

Root: H-S-N ح س ن: beauty, proportionate/balanced/symmetry.

Root: S-Y-R ص ي ر: place of return, reach some state, gathering place, end result, last destination, change forms.


My translation: He knows about all the events that take place in the heavens and on the earth. He knows what you do secretly and what you do openly. God knows the details of your heart.

Root: Ain-L-M ع ل م: to know very well, solid comprehension.

Root: S-R-R س ر ر: secret, hide.

Root: Ain-L-N ع ل ن: do something openly, obvious and manifest.

Root: Sd-D-R ص د ر: chest, come back.




Traditional: Has there not come to you the news of those who disbelieved before? So they tasted the bad consequence of their affair, and they will have a painful punishment.

My translation: Did you not receive the news about those who rejected the truth before? (In time), They experienced the bad results of the direction they had taken in life. They stopped their own development and (thus) life became unpleasant.

Kommentar: I den tradisjonelle oversettelsen er fokuset rettet mot "straff", men når jeg oversetter verset finner jeg ingen indikasjon for bruk av dette ordet. Verset forteller at nasjoner og individer som ikke følger Gud på sin reise vil ende opp med negative utfall - det alvorligste utfallet er å stoppe sjelens utvikling. Dette vil skape et liv av sorg, uansett om en har materiell suksess.

Comment: There are no indications for using the word "punishment" in the translation. Rather, the verse informs us that not following God in life's journey will cause negative outcomes, the worst consequence being the stagnation of the soul. This will be a life of sorrow, regardless of material success.

Root: A-T-Y أ ت ي: come, come comfortably.

Root: N-B-A ن ب أ: beneficial news, come to one place from another, evident path, rise/lofty/high place of knowledge.

Root: K-F-R ك ف ر: to hide and cover.

Root: Q-B-L ق ب ل: without, before, accept, to face toward, direction.

Root: Dh-W-Q ذ و ق: eat and find out about the thing eaten, taste, experience.

Root: W-B-L و ب ل: heavy rain, intense, bad result of deeds, chaos, misery, congregate.

Root: A-M-R أ م ر: matter, situation, mark, discuss, consult.

Root: Ain-Dh-B: ع ذ ب: difficulty, pain, prevent, deprivation, water removing thirst, prevent to go somewhere.

Root: A-L-M أ ل م: pain, painful, unpleasantness in life.


Traditional: That was because their messengers came to them with clear proofs, but they said: "Shall mere mortals guide us?" So they rejected and turned away. And God had no need. And God is Rich, Praiseworthy. 

My translation: (Their stagnation was the result of their rejection); Messengers had come to them with knowledge that truly clarified all matters in life, but their thinking was: "Shall human beings guide us in our journey of life?" Thus, they covered themselves from truth and became distant. God is not in need of them as He is the original Source that nourishes all travellers on their journey (psychological and physical development).

Root: K-F-N ك و ن: something to happen, inform about an event, come into being suddenly, was, is. 

Root: A-T-Y أ ت ي: come, come comfortably. 

Root: R-S-L ر س ل: proceed with ease, one who gets going or departs, person who gives a message, slow camel. 

Root: B-Y-N ب ي ن: separate, to appear (leaves of trees), highlight something. 

Root: Q-W-L ق و ل: statement, thought, inner belief. 

Root: B-Sh-R ب ش ر: physical part of humans, skin, news/tidings that change color of the face (good or bad), appear with beauty. 

Root: H-D-Y ه د ي: light up, lead others, forefront, guide others, show the way. 

Root: K-F-R ك ف ر: to hide and cover. 

Root: W-L-Y و ل ي: choose another path, get closer to someone, ruler, near, overpower. 

Root: Gh-N-Y غ ن ي: independent, strong, free of need.  

Root: H-M-D ح م د: appreciation of the creator of something beautiful. 



My translation: Those who reject will never believe that they will wake up from death. Be certain and say, "Yes, by my Sustainer and Evolver, you will be reaching a new destination after death; then you will gain knowledge about what you had accomplished in life. That is God's straightforward system (everything easily follows God's processes of evolution).

Root: K-F-R ك ف ر: to hide and cover.

Root: Z-AIN-M ز ع م: saying, utterance, lie, sayings without proof, belief, accept responsibility.

Root: B-AIN-THA ب ع ث: wake someone up from their sleep, remove things so something can move freely, motive.

Root: Q-W-L ق و ل: statement, thought, inner belief.

Root: R-B-B ر ب ب: nurture, develop, look after something, one who guides from beginning to end, one who improves. Reach a destination through evolution and change.

Root: N-B-A ن ب أ: beneficial news, come to one place from another, evident path, rise/lofty/high place of knowledge.

Root: AIN-M-L ع م ل: act/deeds with intent.

Root: Y-S-R ي س ر: softness, ease, small thing, easy, strength.



My translation: So, keep trust in the Creator and His Messenger, and the Light we have sent down. God knows your actions and intentions.

Comment: Light = Qur'an - clear principles of life that sheds light on all other matters. 

Root: A-M-N أ م ن: opposite of dishonesty, safety, verify, fearless, solace, trust, accept, believe.

Root: R-S-L ر س ل: proceed with ease, one who gets going or departs, person who gives a message, slow camel.

Root: N-W-R ن و ر: light, moonlight, flame, fire.

Root: N-Z-L ن ز ل: descend from a height, destination, gift, rain | (nuzila = descend gradually).

Root: Kh-B-R خ ب ر: knowledge, familiar, normal news, know something.



Traditional: The Day He will assemble you for the Day of Assembly - that is the Day of Deprivation. And whoever believes in Allah and does righteousness - He will remove from him his misdeeds and admit him to gardens beneath which rivers flow, wherein they will abide forever. That is the great attainment.

My translation: The Day He will converge your journeys so that they meet at the Day of Gathering; that will be the Day when all results will be manifest (positive and negative). Anyone who trusts in God and (therefore) works toward righteousness, God will protect him from himself, and God will make him enter evergreen Gardens with rivers flowing beneath, therein to live forever. That is the ultimate achievement.

Root: Y-W-M ي و م: day, era, stage of evolution, time of results.

Root: J-M-Ain ج م ع: group, bring things closer together, tribe, decide on something.

Root: Gh-B-N غ ب ن: hide, deceive each other secretly.

Root: AIN-M-L ع م ل: act/deeds with intent.

Root: S-L-H ص ل ح: cooperation, peace, healthy, balance, harmony, righteous.

Root: K-F-R ك ف ر: to hide and cover.

Root: S-W-A س و أ: imbalance, unpleasant utterance, bad work, shameful deed.

Root: D-Kh-L د خ ل: enter, income, hidden, chaos.

Root: J-N-N ج ن ن: to hide, hidden forces, garden with no barren land.

Root: J-R-Y ج ر ي: flowing water with nothing in the way, moon, stars, walk fast.

Root: T-H-T ت ح ت: below, below something.

Root: N-He-R ن ه ر: water flowing, river, canals, open up, abundant, daylight, vastness.

Root: A-B-D أ ب د: unlimited time, always.

Root: F-W-Z ف و ز: get what is wished, achievement, fulfilment.

Root: Ain-Z-M ع ظ م: great, strong, important bone in body.



Traditional: As for those who reject and deny Our revelations, they are the dwellers of the Fire; they will abide therein. What a miserable destiny! 

My translation: But those who hide and look away from Our clear signs, those are attached to the Fire. They will remain in that fiery state for a long time; that is the destination of ultimate loss.

Comment: Fire = mental state = sorrow = depression = regret = stagnation.

Root: K-F-R ك ف ر: to hide and cover.

Root: K-Dh-B ك ذ ب: intentionally give wrong news, pretend to be asleep, deny, lie.

Root: A-Y-Y أ ي ي: visible evidence, visible part of something that is hidden, a sign, to stop and deliberate.

Root: S-H-B ص ح ب: attached, stay with someone, live together.

Root: N-W-R ن و ر: light, moonlight, flame, fire.

Root: Kh-L-D خ ل د: something that stays the same for a long period (but changes after some time), mountains.

Root: B-A-S ب أ س: intense struggle, punishment, hunger, disease, hardness, to be sad.

Root: S-Y-R ص ي ر: place of return, reach some state, gathering place, end result, last destination, change forms.


My translation: No hardship befalls without God's will and permission. Whoever trusts God, He directs his heart and mind. God knows about everything that happens.

Root: S-W-B ص و ب: to fall, come down and reach a destination, rain, accident, event.

Root: A-Dh-N أ ذ ن: ears, announcement, listen closely, find out, give permission, intent & will.

Root: H-D-Y ه د ي: light up, lead others, forefront, guide others, show the way.

Root: K-L-B ق ل ب: keep changing something, heart, intellect, pure/best part of something.

Root: SH-Y-A ش ي أ: thing, matter, intend, will.

Root: Ain-L-M ع ل م: to know very well, solid comprehension.


Traditional: And obey Allah and obey the Messenger; but if you turn away - then upon Our Messenger is only [the duty of] clear notification.

My translation: (Realizing this), Tune your entire being to God and align yourself with the Messenger. But if you only follow our messages partly or take another path completely, understand that Our Messenger has received the evident and complete guide to life.

Root: T-W-Ain ط و ع: become wider, accept willingly, agreement, attached.

Root: R-S-L ر س ل: proceed with ease, one who gets going or departs, person who gives a message, slow camel.

Root: W-L-Y و ل ي: choose another path, get closer to someone, ruler, near, overpower.

Root: B-L-Gh ب ل غ: reach a place, reach a goal.

Root: B-Y-N ب ي ن: separate, to appear (leaves of trees), highlight something.


My translation: There is no one in any power besides God. (Knowing this), the believers should rely on God's help in all matters.

Root: A-L-He أ ل ه: ruler of everything that exists; protector, one in power.

Root: W-K-L و ك ل: supervisor, trust someone, delegate a situation/matter.

Root: A-M-N أ م ن: opposite of dishonesty, safety, verify, fearless, solace, trust, accept.




Traditional: O you who have believed, indeed, among your spouses and your children are enemies to you, so beware of them. But if you pardon and overlook and forgive - then indeed, Allah is Forgiving and Merciful.

My translation: O you who have accepted and trusted this path, know that among your companions and your offspring are those who might transgress, so be aware and avoid crossing the limits yourself. (Remain assured that) if you advise them, overlook their mistakes and forgive them, that God is the Protector and Sustainer (of both them and you).

Kommentar: Udwaan = bryte grenser, uenighet, avstand. Ordet betyr ikke fiende.

Comment: Udwaan does not mean enemy, but rather discord and distance.

Root: A-M-N أ م ن: opposite of dishonesty, safety, verify, fearless, solace, trust, accept.

Root: Z-W-J ز و ج: two compatible things (same or opposite), pair with someone, companion, friend, husband/wife.

Root: W-L-D و ل د: father, mother, child, time of birth.

Root: Ain-D-W ع د و: distance, cross limits, transgress. 

Root: H-D-R ح ذ ر: careful, avoid, aware.

Root: Ain-F-W ع ف و: forgive, give up, remove.

Root: Sd-F-H ص ف ح: wide, let go, pardon.

Root: Gh-F-R غ ف ر: cover, keep something safe.

Root: R-H-M ر ح م: gift, help, sustenance, protection.  


Traditional: Your wealth and your children are but a trial, and Allah has with Him a great reward.

My translation: All that you possess, and your family, provide you with opportunities to grow. Staying close to God on the journey awards benefits and inner strength (strength of character).

Root: M-W-L م و ل: possession, wealth, all of one's wealth.

Root: W-L-D و ل د: father, mother, child, time of birth.

Root: F-T-N ف ت ن: melt gold to remove impurity, coin that is forged through heat, astray, war.

Root: Ain-N-D ع ن د: separated from something, lose the way, go away from the right path, rebel.

Root: A-J-T أ ج ر: salary, compensation for work.

Root: Ain-Z-M ع ظ م: great, strong, important bone in body.



Traditional: So fear Allah as much as you are able and listen and obey and spend [in the way of Allah]; it is better for your selves. And whoever is protected from the stinginess of his soul - it is those who will be the successful.

My translation: Remember God as much as you can. Be attentive and remain close to God. Keep yourself, your wealth and your knowledge open to others - this will make your soul grow. Whoever is protected from the selfish inclination within his soul, those will flourish in life and reach their hidden potentials.

Comment: See chapter 104 for more details on this subject.

Root: W-K-Y و ق ي: protect, save, careful.

Root: T-W-Ain ط و ع: become wider, accept willingly, agreement, attached.

Root: S-M-Ain س م ع: ear, listen, to be attentive.

Root: N-F-Q ن ف ق: an open tunnel (not closed on either end), keep open, spend.

Root: Kh-Y-R خ ي ر: good, useful, lean, beautiful women, benefits.

Root: N-F-S ن ف س: soul, self, mind, air, smoke, breathe.

Root: S-H-H ش ح ح: withhold, selfish, greedy.

Root: F-L-H ف ل ح: gap, tear, cultivate, success, those people who has their crops grow, stable.


Traditional: If you loan Allah a goodly loan, He will multiply it for you and forgive you. And Allah is [most] Appreciative and Forbearing.

My translation: If you give your trust to God (and act righteously) - a trust most beautiful, He will give you back double and keep you safe (from yourself, and all other things). God appreciates your struggle, and God is understanding.

Kommentar: Gud beskriver seg selv som Haleem - en som ikke blir glad eller sint, men en som har full kontroll og har derfor en enorm forståelse. 

Comment: God is Haleem - neither angry nor happy, but in full control - thus, one who understands.

Root: Q-R-Zd ق ر ض: give/deed (expecting return from a deed), loan, cut, chew.

Root: H-S-N ح س ن: beauty, balanced, proportion, beautiful.

Root: Zd-Ain-F ض ع ف: weakness, double something.

Root: Gh-F-R غ ف ر: cover, keep something safe.

Root: Sh-K-R ش ك ر: abundant, full, fill up, sprout.

Root: H-L-M ح ل م: dream, self-control, peace.  


My translation: The Knower of everything that is hidden and everything that is visible. The Most Mighty, The Best Decider.

Kommentar: Ghayb - Unseen - det som en ikke kan se. Dette rotordet indikerer potensialer som ikke har blitt synlig/blitt nådd, f.eks. potensialet til et frø som kan bli til et stort tre. På lik måte kan gode handlinger føre til sjelens vekst over tid.

Comment: The word Ghayb = Unseen = That which one cannot see. This root word indicates the hidden potentials of things, for example a seed that can become a tree. Likewise, all virtuous actions cause growth of the soul.

Root: Ain-L-M ع ل م: to know very well, solid comprehension.

Root: Gh-Y-B غ ي ب: not seen, invisible, dense forest (hard to see in it).

Root: Sh-H-D ش ه د: be present, witness, observe.

Root: H-Z-Z ع ز ز: power, overpower, solid, intensity.

Root: H-K-M ح ك م: tell someone their limits, one who decides.