My translation of the Qur'an: Chapter 104

Chapter 104 describes "The Fire" that arises within the hearts of human beings. The Fire is a metaphor for regret and depression.

Urfan Ul Hassan
April 2023

Chapter 104

With Him who can be known through signs; He who rules the entire universe; He who provides during times of need, and He who continuously sustains all things.


Traditional (S.I.): Woe to every scorner and mocker.

My translation: Bound to sorrow are those that talk negatively about others behind them, and those that find faults in others.

Waylun: Woe (sorrow, misfortune).

Root: Q-L-L ك ل ل: little, shortage, very little, not to stay in one place.

Root: H-M-Z ه م ز: create division between friends, find faults, bite, pinch.

Root: L-M-Z ل م ز: find fault in others, back-bite, criticize, say something in secret.


Traditional: Who collects wealth and [continuously] counts it.

My translation: Bound to sorrow is he who focuses on hoarding all that he possesses and is preoccupied with counting it.

Kommentar: Dette verset forteller at mennesker som retter energien sin kun mot materiell gevinst vil få en destruktiv tolkning av verden. Et slikt verdenssyn fører mennesker og nasjoner på en vei der de feilaktig antar at materiell suksess fører til lykke. Denne veien spiser opp de som går på den - vers 1:6 i kap1. Materiell gevinst gjelder ikke kun økonomi, men også søken etter prestisje, status og lignende.

Comment: This verse teaches that being preoccupied with earthly riches changes human beings' perception of the world. Such perception causes individuals and nations to mistakenly think that wealth causes happiness. They continue to travel this road until the road consumes them (see verse 1:6 in chapter 1). Earthly riches do not only mean money, but also seeking prestige, status and the like.

Root: J-M-Ain ج م ع: group, bring things closer together, tribe, decide on something.

Root: M-W-L م و ل: possessions, gold/silver, rich, wealth.

Root: Ain-D-D ع د د: prepare, count, number, prepared goods.


Traditional: He thinks that his wealth will make him immortal.

My translation: Such an individual thinks that his wealth will always help him out of misfortune.

Root: H-S-B ح س ب: think, opinion, count, sufficient.

Root: Kh-L-D خ ل د: perpetuity, stay the same way for a long time; therefore, it can mean mountains (because mountains appear to stay at the same place for a long time), escape misfortune for long.


Traditional: No! He will surely be thrown into the Crusher.

My translation: That is not the case; he will be left alone in The Fire; it is a Fire that will burn through all his wealth.

Comment: Fire = inner state, mental state, state of the soul = Regret = Depression (see verse below - the Fire originates “in the hearts”).

Kalla = Denial of that which is not true.

Root: N-B-Dh ن ب ذ: throw away, leave that which is not of any value, leave useless things.

Root: H-T-M ح ط م: break, fire that burns everything to ashes.


Traditional: And what can make you know what is the Crusher?

My translation: How can you know about The Fire that burns everything to its ashes?

Root: H-T-M ح ط م: break, fire that burns everything to its ashes.

Root: D-R-Y د ر ي: find out about something. Ma Adraka = an explanation will follow after the question.


Traditional: It is the fire of Allāh, [eternally] fueled, which mounts directed at the hearts.

My translation: The Fire is a natural law of God; a Fire that originates in the hearts.

Kommentar: Dette verset gjør det klart at "brann" er en metafor for mentale tilstander, dette fordi brannen oppstår i "hjertene" til mennesker. Brann = Anger og Depresjon = Aske = ingen reell verdi.

Verset forteller at materiell suksess er som aske; det har ingen reell verdi (det er utenfor mennesket). Dersom en kun har fokusert på materiell suksess, så er Guds lov slik at dette vil på et tidspunkt i løpet av livets reise føre til anger og depresjon. En slik kaotisk tilstand i sjelen "brenner" gjennom alt av forsvar en kan tenke seg. Penger og annet kan ikke beskytte mot tilstander som oppstår i en selv. Meningen med livet var ikke å fokusere på materiell suksess, men på sjelens utvikling.

Comment: Here it is clear that hellfire is a metaphor for mental states, since it comes from within the "hearts" of human beings. Fire = Regret and Depression = Ashes = a life with no real value.

This verse teaches that focusing on material success in life will logically lead to regret and depression for any human being. This is the natural law of God. The Fire is a mental state of regret and depression; a chaotic internal state of the mind and soul cannot be cured by any wealth in the world. The meaning of life was not the growth of one's wealth, but the growth of one's soul.

Root: N-W-R ن و ر: light, moonlight, flame, fire.

Root: W-K-D و ق د: wood used for fire, ignite.

Root: T-L-Ain ط ل ع: the place to appear, time of sunrise, become evident.

Root: F-A-D ف أ د: heart, emotions.


Traditional: Indeed, it [i.e., Hellfire] will be closed down upon them. In extended columns.

My translation: The Fire is bound to come to them; in their intentions is the fuel that increases The Fire.

Root: W-Sd-D و ص د: join one thing with another.

Root: Ain-M-D ع م د: solidity/straightness (in things/intent), something that can be relied on, columns.

Root: M-D-D م د د: something that increases another thing, long, extend.