"Music directly represents the passions of the soul. If one listens to the wrong kind of music, he will become the wrong kind of person." -Aristotle
The greatest minds in human history have concerned themselves with the impact of the arts on the human soul. In fact, all human beings, consciously or unconsciously, engage themselves with this project. As we will learn in this article, the evaluation of art cannot be subjective; music is vibration, and ultimately, all artistic expressions affect our biology in particular ways.
In Dante's Inferno, Dante and Vergil descend the Nine Circles of Hell. Upon arriving at the 7th Circle of Hell, Dante learns that the 7th Circle is dedicated to those who were violent in their earthly life. However, violence could take many forms, such that the 7th Circle was further divided into 3 levels:
- Those who were violent towards others.
- Those who were violent against themselves (physical or psychological self-harm).
- Those who were violent against Art, Nature and God. (Refers to taking usury, but in my opinion also to any creative work that expresses the inner state of the soul.)
In Plato's The Republic, Socrates argues that music is a form of education - education of human character. Thus, giving individuals a proper education was considered vital for human and societal evolution. Music that stimulated virtues like bravery, harmony, temperance and alike were considered beautiful. Music that stimulated hate, aggression, greed and alike, was considered ugly.
Plato thought that music and other artistic expressions were attempts to imitate that which can be described as ultimate Beauty. Ultimate beauty were to be found in the World of Ideas, which could be interpreted as the mind of God. Thus, art can be evaluated on a spectrum ranging from ugliness to beautifulness. Creating art that is ugly can be viewed as a form of violent expression; this expression reveals the state of an artist’s soul.
Consider then, what music, movies, series or literature causes your soul to incline toward darkness, stagnation, vice and despair? Since all art affects your psyche unconsciously it is worth deliberating on what art you regularly consume, and on whether you should expose your mind to that which causes you to unconsciously despair.
1980s Synthwave
Synthwave is a relatively new genre of music. The music can be understood as an interpretation of the 1980s. The music is heavily influenced by the movies, instruments and the psychological themes that existed in the culture. Synthwave successfully manages to recreate the general artistic discourse of the 80s. Naturally, there have been philosophical speculations as to how this genre can touch the human spirit in 2024; is it such that all generations look up to the times before them, or is there something more to this phenomenon? Why would Synthwave originate in the early 2010s, and rise in popularity, especially among young men?
Much of Synthwave is attempting to convey the spiritual, playful and masculine essence of the 1980s in musical form. Synthwave is closely associated with 80s movies and the hero's journey through their darkest hours. In other words, through association, Synthwave reminds us of those stories and provides the listener reasons to feel optimistic, strong, and to never give up on the good in the world. Thus, Synthwave is essentially encouraging the listener toward virtue and all that it encompasses. The heroes of the 80s never had their hearts hardened in difficult times. Synthwave's success is witness to the fact that these qualities are needed in today's world.